FD Petrol Group Company is a China based ISO certified manufacturer for solids control ,drilling waste management,oilfield camp since year 1995.Moreover, it is also a factory designated by CNPC,SINOPEC and CNOOC for high-standard camping house, color steel structure building, solids control system and equipment, drilling waste management system ,MCC system, standardized circuit at well site, drilling rig package for exported drilling rigs.

FD Petrol Strengths Overview
Drilling waste management,solids control,oilfiled camp since 1995,one of the most experienced and earlist manufacture in China.
Group company that has 4 subsidiary ,5 branch offices ,2 manufacture bases in China&UAE Dubai,coveres more than 300,000 square meters,with more than 700 employees ,2013 turnover 100 million USD.
ISO 9001 certified manufacture .
First oilfield decanter centrifuge manufacture in China since 1997,totally more than 1500 units decanter centrifuge in operation. The only solids control manufactrue in China that has OBM&WBM test platform and mud lab to test and check our decanter centrifuge and cuttings dryer.
First vertical cuttings dryer and dewatering unit manufacture in China since 2011.Used in Shell Oil and CNPC,SINOPEC drilling waste management project.
The only solids control system manufacture in China that utilize RT,PT,MT certified personnel to febricate diesel tank and other storage tanks.Strictly follow WPS and PQR requirement .
Manufacture capacity is 6000 units oilfield camp and 1000 units solids control system equipment.

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